40 Brookwood Rise, Artane

Dublin 5, DO5A294

086 402 9909

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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00


Anne Marie, Galway – Depression

Pat Kelly Healing Hands - Managing Stress

I have suffered with anxiety and reactive depression since my teenage years.  At the age of 38 years with 3 children I was diagnosed with Bi-polar disorder.  Since then I have had one/two psychiatric admissions (four years none)  Each and every time I admit myself on a voluntary basis.  Sometimes I leave worse and sometimes I leave better.  For me my depression is frightening – I have fatigue, negative thinking, fearful,no energy,  time (as in the clock tick tock) takes over and I dread each day and feel I will never ever get through same.

This year was the worst I have ever experienced.  My depression came over me on Mothers Day and stayed with me until Pat Kelly Healing Hands was brought into my life (last week in July I think).  During this time I had my first admission through A&E where a mistake was made in my medication.  This meant I was not being given anti-depressants which was on for four years for seven days.

Anyway I just got worse- lower and lower, I took to bed.  I managed to work but was like a programmed robot.  During this time I was put on new medication – it did not work.  All my team would say is “give it time, it needs a chance to build up in your system”.  It got to the point where I was so bad and could see no hope that I made an attempt on my life for the very first time.

I was looking up “healers” one day and I discovered Pat Kelly Healing Hands.  I read all about Pat and what he does.  For the next two weeks I found i was very very drawn or pulled to go to Pat.  He either kept coming up on my phone or his number would appear or I would again read testimonials.

I phoned Pat and left a message.  Within 15 minutes Pat messaged me back and told me he would get back to me as soon as he was free and Pat being true to his word phone me back. I cannot put into words high enough the nature of pat during our conversation.  Pat was warm , emphatic, understanding and just a lovely individual.  He gave me so much hope and left it open for me to go to see him.

I made an appointment straight away and drove to Artane to Pat Kelly Healing Hands.  When I arrived I was tired after the long journey and stressed with traffic. I met pat and sure enough he greeted me with the warmest handshake and smile. Pat was exceptional.  He sat me down and we just chatted for up to half an hour. Everything I spoke about t Pat regarding my life he understood and was totally non judgemental only like an angel he was wit protective wings!

I lay down on the therapy bed while Pat played Arc Angel Raphael healing tape. Twenty minutes into the session I started to cry from the very pit of my stomach.  I cried for some time and couldn’t stop. All the time my tummy shook and it was like a grief released from my stomach.  Pat re-assured me all was ok and all was going to be ok for me and I would see changes.

Well it has been six weeks since my visit to Pat- my anxiety which i now know was fear based is under control.  My depression has lifted totally,  I feel so much more confident and more at peace.  I have made some personal changes that I could never have done as fear, anxiety and depression would creep in and take over.

Since my visit with Pat he has sent he healing twice a week and always lets me know he is there for me.  I personally have never met or gone to a healer like Pat. I will never go back to being the individual i was again.

I am smiling as i come to the end of this testimonial as Pat Kelly Healing Hands will always bring a smile to my face and yes I’m aware that I may get down again. However I do know Pat Kelly is there for me and that is priceless for me.

Thank you Pat Kelly for the bottom of my heart.