When I came to Pat I was very upset, very certain that my situation would not change, and very afraid of my anxiety and fear, unable to move forward.
Almost instantly, Pat reassured me that all would be well. He reassured me that I was not alone in this experience; many had been there, gotten through it, and so would I.
More than most of the professionals I’ve encountered on my journey, Pat fully understood my predicament. Before it even gets down to the actual bio-energy healing, Pat will put your mind at ease. Almost instantly, I felt more calm, safe in the knowledge that what had happened to me was understandable, normal, and not, as I had been thinking all along, all my own fault. He works tirelessly to help you rebuild your confidence, knowing that it is always there within you. His passion for his work and helping others shines through, in fact it’s really quite palpable.
With the most relaxing of meditation music, Pat helps you reach a state of incredibly deep relaxation, enabling your mind and body to heal. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced anything like it; if Pat’s magic could be bottled and sold, he’d help people the world over. Pat is there, ready and willing, to help your mind and body let go of the negativity it holds on to.
Furthermore, unlike ANY other counsellor or therapist or healer, Pat is there come rain or shine at any time of the day to provide you with words of encouragement. His thoughtful, healing texts make your journey towards recovery a joyous one. It is not possible to feel as though you’re all alone once you’ve met with Pat. His dedication and commitment to your recovery is unrelenting.
I would recommend that anybody going through any manner of difficulty make an appointment to see Pat. There isn’t a hope you could regret it.
Caroline Foran, Deputy Editor, Image Magazine