40 Brookwood Rise, Artane

Dublin 5, DO5A294

086 402 9909

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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00


Clare, Dublin – Depression

Pat Kelly Healing Hands - Counselling Services

When I first met pat he was friendly and smiling. I couldn’t believe how long I spoke for before the healing and pat didn’t interrupt. Then the healing itself lasted for about an hour. Pat is a compassionate man full of generosity. He gave me time and is very affordable. I truly believe that he is a great healer. In order to get to the cause of my depression. I needed that time and patience. I have had several healings with pat and my depression has lifted. My friends say my eyes are brighter again and I’m up and ready very early everyday with enthusiasm for life again. I also experienced a good result in weight loss so my diabetes has improved too. I truly believe this is all down to pat.